6 min readJun 16, 2021


Ideas for Strengthening and Encouraging Oneself

Assume you are abundant for one whole day, even if you do not fully know what that means

Pick a pleasant experience from your life however small or large) in which you felt good to some degree, go through one whole day simply remembering that better feeling, holding it in place the best you can.

Find a way to feel a smile in one internal organ (stomach, pancreas, heart, etc.) and practice it everyday for a week.

If there were different parts within you, each of which had differing perceptions and reactions to various life experiences, pick one part that seems to be struggling to be harmonious or struggling to be happy. Once you have recognized that one, accept it as it is; let it know that you accept it just like it is.

Go to sleep thinking about something you enjoy or something you did that you enjoyed. Lightly feel the emotions from that experience. Intend to learn to feel that way first thing in the morning as well. Do that every day for one week, then for one month.

Carry the largest bill of currency possible in a special area of your wallet for as long as possible. Practice pretending that the bill is magnetized to collect more like it automatically and is silently drawing more denominations of currency into your life through various channels and means.

Get a higher yielding bank account [Yotta is one example]that takes a long time to make a transaction; Place $5 or $10 in it refuse the debit card for this special account. Set up a transfer of $1.11 from your primary account into this no-touch, long term savings account and don’t check it for one year.

Save change in a jar that is wrapped in gift-wrapping paper and put all of your change into the jar until it is overflowing. When it is full, get the change converted into paper currency. Invest this amount with the idea that it will eventually double or triple. Use it for one special experience you have never tried. Then begin the process again using whatever you have learned about the process to make it even better.

Find ways to allow your mind to expand it’s usual boundaries; extend out beyond your usual daily parameters. There are yet more interesting, encouraging ideas outside the parameters.

Entertain the possibility that there are some fun, easier ways to accomplish your dreams. Playfully be more aware of these possibilities.

Cut the space between you and your goals in half. Then see if you can cut that new distance in half again.

Dispute one of the disputes to a new long-shot idea that you recognize.

Locate a challenge in your life; practice being aware of it without doing anything about it for three days. Notice if/what new perspective you get by doing this.

Freeze frame a challenge that you are running into but not doing anything about. Sit down and write a letter of cooperation to the challenge, to see how close to agreement or clarity you can get with “it”.

When there is a person who is unpleasant to be around for whatever reason, if possible stop engaging them for a while. In a slower pace of observation, observe the reality behind the person’s outward presentation. Be open to seeing who they actually are, behind the unpleasantness.

Look inward to see how the unpleasantness you detect in another person, is also inside you in some form or configuration. Be kind to you as if it also is kindness to the other person. Be kind to the other person, as if it is kindness to yourself as well.

Be patient in one space or environment that you frequent and find it difficult to be patient.

If you find it too difficult to be patient in the environment in which you find it challenging to be patient, make it a point to lay down to rest alone, with no noise or distractions. Have the openness to honestly acknowledge more about the impatience. Do this until you feel resolved enough to move on in whatever way feels authentic to you.

In a conundrum-feeling experience or event, wait to let the event more fully unveil itself; wait without emotion or with as little emotion as possible. Refuse to come to conclusions. Let conclusions emerge on their own.

Things and people are often not as they first appear. Allow opportunity for more information to come forth.

People are very dynamic, multifaceted beings who can appear to change in lesser and greater degree according to their inner design, according to different environments, different people, different personal experiences. These shifts do not necessarily denote diagnoses, they denote the pliable, malleable nature of Reality, of which we humans are integral aspects. Pay attention to the ways in which you change “frequency to frequency” yourself. Accept yourself in your current place of development along with all the vicissitudes; accept others in theirs.

Write down all the ways that you feel abundant [I am abundant with artistic ability; I am abundant with kindness; I am abundant with friendships, etc) Write down only what is actual for now. Walk through your day feeling this type of abundance.

Be a drone with a go-pro camera; fly up above yourself in your life in order to get more broad picture of yourself and things going on in your life.

Place yourself into your most desirable scenario, then perceive your life from within that scenario. See the people you want in your life, from that scenario; be aware of the resources, the supply you have continually available to you from within that scenario; be aware of the peace, the calm-pace, the calm spirit you have from within that scenario; pay attention to the best work for you within that scenario and how the work naturally reaches out beyond your scenario. Be aware of how it feels in the loving environment in the comfortable secure home you own and enjoy- the atmosphere is so relaxing and pleasant for rest and loving. Notice the property that you own, how quiet and serene it is, how perfectly it is situated in solitude, how you and your lover can make love outdoors in the forest; enjoy the auspiciousness of the geographical location of this property, the perfection of the approximation to all other humans, neighbors, friends — all of whom are very respectful, accepting and supportive of you and one another, as if from a distance. All encounters, all interconnections, all engagements, all happenings are auspiciously for you, are beneficial to all involved. Everyone the Universe puts into your life is perfect for you, are placed into the earth’s arrangements in a correct way for you and for them.

If/when there is a sense of fear (of any type, of any degree), follow that sensation to wherever it seems to have begun, no matter how long ago. Gently engage the younger version of you there, as if you are the parent now. Explain the situation (from whence the fear arises) in a way that the version of you knows that it is not about them, that they are okay. That one will likely benefit from knowing that they now have the ability to self-direct their lives, to ride on the top of life from here on.

What do you do if you have an immediate fear response to the possibility of encountering someone you have been avoiding? What is believed might happen if you take the call, return the call, or encounter them unexpectedly in public?

Whatever is believed might happen could then be taken up into the air, surrendered to the Intelligent Wisdom inherent in the Universe. This is the same wisdom that makes all the intricasies of the human body to continue functioning even while we sleep; makes all the minute processes within the ground, the trees, the ocean to naturally carry on for sustaining life.




Unveiling further clarity for calmer spirit; New Frequency Fables; Higher Frequency Perspectives.