Disruption2. Are We Humans Bitches?

2 min readJan 20, 2017

J.R. Hofheins

Everything trying to hold on to the way things were on previous frequencies is/are clamoring, railing, fearful, demanding, fighting, yelling, etc. These entities are discovering that most of us have been taught to be bitches- bitches of society, of government, of corporations, of religion, of church, of societal group think. That is victimhood, dependency- which does not fit with Who we humans are and of what we are capable.

Everything that is fluidly re-adjusting, re configuring, rebirthing, dropping old outworn stuff in order to get up to speed with that new life-giving energy which is naturally pullulating onto the planet=New Life.

We are experiencing the Natural Process. This process always has been and is demonstrating itself more clearly, quickly and effectively now. Old becomes less and less useful and fitting in the new realm, making space for the new upgraded model of abundant living.

Any of us humans (Including any organization which) who is still reacting against this process, demanding of any entity that something be done by someone or something else, silently still and mistakenly believes that it/s/he is a victimized bitch, when they/we are not.

All humans are creators, initiators. Realizing that fact is basic to living, thriving, producing. It has always been. Maybe some of us were allowed for a season to live being carried by the energy of someone else, something else, but now the training wheel period is over. It is up to us to ride the two-wheeler on our own along with all other humans around us since we are all One in this ever forward-moving Energy of Love.

We all Open within and REALIZE Who we ARE and of what we are Capable.

2017 John-Randall (J.R.) Hofheins

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Unveiling further clarity for calmer spirit; Amazon.com: New Frequency Fables; Higher Frequency Perspectives.